Prelimininary Registration Fill-Out Form

 (CS)2    -   Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

Szeged, Hungary, July 1-4 , 2004

Important dates

Please copy this form below to an email, fill it up, and send it to or per fax to +36 62 546 397.

Title: ................................

Last name: ............................

First name: ...........................

Affiliation: ...........................................

Address: ..............................................

Email: ................................................

Phone: ................................................

Fax: ..................................................

I intend to present a paper with the tentative title: .....................................................................................................
I'll send an application for a waiver on the local costs with my CV and with the reasons why I need that waiver. Yes / No


Date of arrival: ............................

Date of departure: ..................................
Double room sharing with: ...................................... OR Double room. Please assign a room mate.

May 25., 2004.