4.6 Measurement

“You can't control what you can't measure

  • Tom DeMarco - in Controlling Software Projects, Management Measurement & Estimation, Page 3

=> (Agile) Projects must be measured

Agile measurement techniques:

  • Velocity, indicating team performance

    • Sums the delivered stories for each iteration.

    • Measurement units: complexity points (estimated by the team members) or hours spent for development (and testing, BA activity, communication, etc.).

    • Velocity stabilizes after 3-6 sprints.

  • On a Sprint or Project basis, burn-down chart is used

    • It shows the remaining work effort (number of stories, hours/complexity points estimated from stories)

    • A degree of 45' shows normal progress

    • Updated daily / on a per Sprint basis

    • Publicly available for all team members



Figure 4.6: Burn-down chart showing the planned and actual progress of a Sprint; Sprint is behind schedule