
SASO 2010

Fourth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems

Budapest, Hungary, September 27-October 1, 2010


E-mail address of contact person as image




Important Dates

The exact deadlines are at 11:59pm Hawaii time (HST).

Deadline for submission:May 10, 2010
Notification of acceptance or rejection:June 28, 2010
Camera ready poster abstract due:July 19, 2010   July 27, 2010
Early registration deadline:August 13, 2010

Call for Posters


The fourth SASO Conference continues its tradition of offering, with its Poster sessions, a great opportunity for interactive presentation of diverse research works, from late-breaking results, to innovations in their initial stages, to speculative and provocative ideas. Poster sessions are informal and highly interactive, and allow authors and interested participants to engage one another in in-depth discussions about the presented research work.

Posters should cover the same key areas as Research Papers. Submissions in the following areas are particularly encouraged:

  • Self-organization
  • Self-adaptation
  • Other self-* properties (self-management, self-monitoring, self-tuning, self-repair, self-configuration, etc.)
  • Theories, frameworks and methods for self-* systems
  • Management and control of self-* systems
  • Robustness and dependability of self-* systems
  • Approaches to engineering self-* systems
  • Control of emergent properties in self-* systems
  • Biologically, socially, and physically inspired self-* systems
  • Applications and experiences with self-* systems

Submission Process

For evaluation and selection, authors should submit an extended, two-pages abstract of their poster. The format of the extended abstract must comply with the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide. Authors' submissions should be in pdf format. Submissions will be managed through the SASO 2010 conference management system, similar to full papers. Poster authors should use the poster track for their submissions.

Accepted Posters

If selected, authors shall prepare a final, camera ready version of the extended abstract, taking into account all feedback from reviewers, and in a format compliant with the IEEE paper format for the conference (see the SASO 2010 web site for instructions). Posters are advertised in the Final Program, and authors' two-page extended abstracts will appear in the SASO 2010 Conference Proceedings, which will be distributed at SASO 2010.

Poster Content

All posters should include the following information:

  • The purpose and the goals of the work.
  • Any background and motivation needed to understand the work as well as any critical hypotheses and assumptions that underlie the work.
  • A clear summary of the contribution and/or results, in sufficient detail for a viewer to understand the work and its relevance. If the work is at an initial stage, it is especially important to state clearly the anticipated contributions and any early results towards them.
  • The relationship to other related efforts, where appropriate. Authors of accepted posters may be asked to point out relationships to work represented by other accepted posters.
  • Where to find additional information. This should include but is not restricted to:
    • a web site where viewers can go to find additional information about the work
    • how to contact the authors, including email addresses
    • citations for any papers, books, or other materials that provide additional information

Poster Layout Guidelines

The format of posters and the nature of poster sessions require authors to capture the viewers' attention effectively, and present the main traits that can help understand the context of their research work efficiently. For this reason, graphic representations, figures, and screen shots are typically the main medium of communication in successful posters.Few attendees will stop to read a large poster with dense text. If you use screen shots, please ensure that the shots print legibly and that the fonts are large enough to be read comfortably once they are placed on paper.


At least one of the poster authors is required to register at the conference. She is required to give a brief presentation of the poster in the interactive poster session, and to stay with the poster so that she can discuss the work with conference attendees, for the duration of the scheduled poster sessions.

For More Information

For additional information, clarification, or questions, please contact the Posters Co-Chairs: Hartmut Schmeck and Giuseppe (Peppo) Valetto

Poster Chairs

Hartmut Schmeck, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Giuseppe (Peppo) Valetto, Drexel University, USA