Torsten Stüber "Decomposition of Weighted Multioperator Tree Automata" Abstract: In [Eng75] Joost Engelfriet proved the decomposition of the class BOT of bottom-up tree transformations into the classes REL, FTA and HOM of relabeling tree transformations, finite-state tree automata and homomorphism tree transformations, respectively (i.e., BOT=REL;FTA;HOM). In [Mal04] A. Maletti revived a definition of weighted bottom-up tree automata, in which the weight algebra is not a semiring but a multioperator monoid (cf. [Kui98]). Maletti proved that bottom-up tree transducers can be simulated by such weighted automata. In my talk I will show how Engelfriet's decomposition result can be generalized to weighted multioperator tree automata. References: [Eng75] J. Engelfriet. Bottom-up and top-down tree transformations - a comparison. Math. Systems Theory, 9(3):198-231, 1975 [Mal04] A. Maletti. Relating tree series transducers and weighted tree automata. In C.S. Calude, editor, DLT'04 - 8th International Conference on Delevopments in Language Theory, Auckland, New Tealand, December 13-17, 2004, volume 3340 of LNCS, paged 321-333, 2004. [Kui98] W. Kuich. Formal power seried over trees. In S. Bozapalidis, editor, 3rd International Conference on Developments in Language Theory, DLT 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece, Proceedings, pages 61-101. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1998.