Business informatics


23C120-1, wednesday 12-14:15, KO 105


In order to meet the objectives of the course, attendance of the lectures is highly recommended. Attendance is registered. In-class performance is assessed and its results form part of the end-term grade. At the end of the semester, in previously defined dates and time, a written exam has to be passed. The final score (%) of the course is constructed as follows: 10-10% lecture and seminar attendance 30% lecture activities (in-class and home assignments) 20% seminar activities (in-class and home assignments 30% exam Home assignments: problem solving (e.g. essay) on selected topics, 3 times during the semester. In-class assignments: short presentation (15-20 minutes) on selected topics. As for students with individual schedules, they are obliged to elaborate a project in detail. Project should be consulted with teacher of the course.

Grades (based on points)

More information and materials will be available on Coospace