“To accomplish something extraordinary, one must have an extraordinary dream. A goal so high, a journey so demanding that its achievement to most seems impossible.” - IM


Csaba Nagy I am an adjunct at the Department of Software Engineering, University of Szeged. I finished my Ph.D. studies here in 2014 under the supervision of Prof. Tibor Gyimóthy and Rudolf Ferenc. My Ph.D. dissertation was entitled as "Evaluating optimization and reverse engineering techniques on data-intensive systems". I graduated from the University of Szeged as a Computer Programmer in Economics in 2007, when I wrote my MSc. thesis work "Extension of GCC with a fully manageable reverse engineering front end." supervised by Árpád Beszédes.

Starting from February 2018, I conduct research as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Software Institute of Universitdella Svizzera italiana in Switzerland.

My new website is at https://csnagy.github.io.


Csaba Nagy, Ph.D.

Department of Software Engineering,
Faculty of Science and Informatics,
University of Szeged

Room 138
Dugonics tér 13.
6720 Szeged, Hungary
P: +36-62-546727
T: @ncsaba_