
The aim of L2Discover is to discover the second layer topology of a switched network.
The main goal was to implement a simple desktop application that can be used as a layer 2
ping and traceroute to map the current network topology.

As the information source of the topology the following sources have been used:

L2Discover installation guide

You can download the package from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/l2discover
This software was developed for use with java 1.5 or higher. You need Java 1.5_1 or higher installed on your system
to use this software. You can download the latest Java environment from the http://java.sun.com site.

In this program the folowing components have benn incorporated:
* SNMP4j (http://www.snmp4j.org/ )
* Prefuse (http://prefuse.sourceforge.net/)
* XStream (http://xstream.codehaus.org/)

You have to download and copy the following files into your JAVA_HOME\lib\ext directory:

* Snmp4j.jar
* xstream-1.1.2.jar

After completing this you can start the l2discover.jar file with java –jar l2discover.jar.

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