A short introduction to Columbus/CAN


In this paper we shortly present a reverse engineering framework called Columbus that is able to analyze large C/C++ projects. Columbus supports project handling, data extraction, -representation, -storage and -export. Efficient filtering methods can be used to produce comprehensible diagrams from the extracted information. The flexible architecture of the Columbus system (based on plug-ins) makes it a really versatile and an easily extendible tool for reverse engineering.


    author      = {Ferenc, Rudolf and Besz\'edes, {\'A}rp\'ad and Magyar, Ferenc and Gyim\'othy, Tibor},
    title       = {A short introduction to {C}olumbus/{CAN}},
    institution = {University of Szeged},
    year        = {2001},
    type        = {techreport},
    address     = {Szeged, Hungary},