Med.Uni Graz  SSIP 04
Summer School in Image Processing 2004


SSIP04 - Orientation Guide

how to find your way in Graz


This page is ment to help you finding your accomodations, If you travel by train, you arrive at Graz Hauptbahnhofwhich is the main train Station of Graz. You should first find your accomodations. If you have booked a standard single or double room, you will be living in Hotel Academia Graz (2 in the Map). See the Location description for a description of how you can get ther using public transportation.
Those who live in subsidiced rooms are scattered among the following "WIST" - dorms: WIST Wienerstrasse 58a , WIST Ghegagasse 15 , WIST Keplerstrasse 75 , WIST Keplerstrasse 77 ; you should have received an email, informing you where the dorm is located.

Important Notes:

1. It could be raining in Graz, so be sure to have umbrella/rain-cloths with you for your stay in Graz.
2. We will organzie a small trip(walk) onto a hill nearby Graz, so have your hiking boots (or at least some robust sneakers) with you!

Map of the city: GRAZ

map options:
Big (15MB) version of this Map (get it!)
Big (15MB) version of this Map with drawn in paths from the trainstation to the venue / accomodations. From the accomodations to the SSIP Venue. ( get it!)

Map of the hospital campus (venue site)

This is a map of the hospical campus (Med. University is part of this campus), the opening event as well as the lectures of our visiting professors... will take place in the Auditorium ( the "Kinderklinik Hörsaal" ) on this campus.
Organised lunch - meals will be served in the canteen on this campus.

(klick to enlarge and get a printversion of this map with higher resolution)

Details on each Location

0,   Train Station("Graz Hauptbahnhof")

Location: -> interactive Map of Graz

1,   Hospital Campus("LKH Graz")

Location: -> interactive Map of Graz
how to get to the
Venue from there:
To get from the train station to the LKH Graz

get on Tram Line 3, 6 or 14:
     get off the Tram at "Jakominiplatz" and transfer to:

Tram Line 7 (heading to St.Leonhard/LKH ):
     drive until the last stop "St. Leonhard/ LKH"

(Alternatively you can walk for 2 minutes longer at the train station and directly take Tram Line 7 heading to St.Leonhard/LKH, the tramway-stop is in "Annenstrasse": you come out of the train station go across the street infront of you, and walk to the right, there you will see the tram-station Annenstrasse)

Exitting the tram, you'll see a supermarket "BILLA" and a bank "Raiffeisenkasse" to the left, there are outside stairs(optional: elevators) which will take you right up into the hospital campus. (see also LKH-Sitemap: Entrance, coming from tram line 7 on the )

2,   Hotel Academia Graz

Location: -> interactive Map of Graz
How to get there: To get from the train station to the Hotel Academia Graz

1st you take the Tramway: when you come out of the trainstation, you find the tramway station on the right side. get on Tram Line 3, 6 or 14:
     get off the Tram at "Jakominiplatz" and transfer to:

Tram Line 1 (heading to "Mariatrost Tramwaymuseum" ):
     drive until the stop "Schönbrunngasse"

In Schönbrunnergasse you will find the Academia Hotel (on the left side of the road).

The recection office is opened in the time from 06:00 h till 24:00 h
how to get to the
Venue from there:
To get to the Hospital Campus("LKH Graz")

You can go by foot, it's only a short walk: just go down the road Hilmteichstraße and walk along the woods until you see a quite big ramp on your left which leads up into the Hospital Campus (there should be a Sign saying "LKH Graz").
(see also LKH-Sitemap: Entrance, coming from tram line 7 on the )

3,   WIST Wienerstrasse 58a

Location: -> interactive Map of Graz
How to get there: To get there from the train station

Take the Bus Line 53. Get off at the stop called "Bienengasse". The Dorm / Wienerstrasse 58a is just around the corner.

Find the Reception - Office:
Phone: +43 316 71 37 82
opening hours: Monday: 13:00 - 16:00 h
( Thuesday: 16.00 - 19.00 h, Wed.: 8.00 - 12.00 h, Thursday: 8.00 - 12.00 h )
how to get to the
Venue from there:
To get to the Hospital Campus("LKH Graz")

Take the Bus Line 53 (heading to "Hauptbahnhof"), this takes you back to the train station. There you take the tramway.
See Train Station("Graz Hauptbahnhof") for a description on how to get to the venue from there.
Picture of the Dorm
Sign pointing to the reception office, saying in german "VERWALTUNG"
Square on "Bienengasse" with a sign pointing to the dorm "WIST Studentenheim"

4,   WIST Ghegagasse 15

Location: -> interactive Map of Graz
How to get there: To get there from the train station

You can go there by foot (5 minutes). Just head straight out of the main entrance of the train station (as you ascend the escallators). The street "Keplerstrasse" ist straight ahead littlebit shifted to the left).

Find the Reception - Office (in the house Ghegagasse 19):
Phone: +43 316 72 47 46
opening hours: Monday: 8.00 - 12.00 h
( Thuesday: 8.00 - 12.00 h, Wed.: 16.00 - 19.00 h, Thursday: 13.00 - 16.00 h, Fr: 8.00 - 12.00 h )
how to get to the
Venue from there:
To get to the Hospital Campus("LKH Graz")

Just go back up to the train station and take the tram from there.
See Train Station("Graz Hauptbahnhof") for a description on how to get to the venue from there.
Dorm from outside
SiteMap of WIST Ghegergasse, the Red Arrow in the Picture points out where you can find the Reception Office its german name: "VERWALTUNG"

5,   WIST Keplerstrasse 75

Location: -> interactive Map of Graz
How to get there: To get there from the train station

You can go there by foot (5 minutes). Just head straight out of the main entrance of the train station (as you ascend the escallators). The street "Keplerstrasse" ist straight ahead littlebit shifted to the left).

Find the Reception - Office in the house Ghegagasse 19:
Phone: +43 316 72 47 46
opening hours: Monday: 8.00 - 12.00 h
( Thuesday: 8.00 - 12.00 h, Wed.: 16.00 - 19.00 h, Thursday: 13.00 - 16.00 h, Fr: 8.00 - 12.00 h )
how to get to the
Venue from there:
To get to the Hospital Campus("LKH Graz")

Just go back up to the train station and take the tram from there.
See Train Station("Graz Hauptbahnhof") for a description on how to get to the venue from there.
Dorm from outside (the grey house)

6,   WIST Keplerstrasse 77

Location: -> interactive Map of Graz
How to get there: To get there from the train station

You can go there by foot (5 minutes). Just head straight out of the main entrance of the train station (as you ascend the escallators). The street "Keplerstrasse" ist straight ahead littlebit shifted to the left).

Find the Reception - Office in the house Ghegagasse 19:
Phone: +43 316 72 47 46
opening hours: Monday: 8.00 - 12.00 h
( Thuesday: 8.00 - 12.00 h, Wed.: 16.00 - 19.00 h, Thursday: 13.00 - 16.00 h, Fr: 8.00 - 12.00 h )
how to get to the
Venue from there:
To get to the Hospital Campus("LKH Graz")

Just go back up to the train station and take the tram from there.
See Train Station("Graz Hauptbahnhof") for a description on how to get to the venue from there.
Dorm from outside (the pink house)
Entrance of the dorm

7,   Laptop Workroom("Vorklinik, Universität Graz")

Location: -> interactive Map of Graz


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