
WIPER: Animal-borne Anti-poaching system

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA


A gunshot detector integrated into existing GPS tracking collars. It tries to solve two major problems: power consumption and detection accuracy. The main novelty is an acoustic delay line that enables ultra-low-power consumption as it fully implements the always-on listening functionality.

We published our results on MobiSys'19, Seoul, South Korea
You can read the paper here: open acces

The first prototype has been deployed in Kenya on a wild elephant.

Impaired pupillary reflex in rats with schizophrenia-like alterations

University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary


Schizophrenia is a mental disease that affects the functionality of the nervous system. This nervous system is responsible for and controls the response of the pupil to light stimulus - called the pupillary light reflex. There is a transitive effect of schizophrenia on the pupillary reflex, therefore with the analysis of the dynamics of the reflex response, we can obtain information about the diseas.
We recorded and analyzed the pupillary light responses of rats with schizophrenia-like alterations, synthoms and showed that major differences exist between the healthy and unhealthy animals' pupillary reflexes.

We published our results:
You can read the papers here: Autonomic Neuroscience , Acta Cybernetica