Selected Publications
Edited Books and Special Issues:
K. Palágyi (Guest editor):
Special issue: 8th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science, CSCS 2012,
Acta Cybernetica
21/1, 2013.
K. Palágyi (Guest editor):
Special issue: 7th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science, CSCS 2010,
Acta Cybernetica
20/1, 2011.
L.G. Nyúl, K. Palágyi (Guest editors):
Special issue: International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, DGCI 2006,
Discrete Applied Mathematics
157/3, 2009.
K. Palágyi (Guest editor):
Special issue: 6th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science, CSCS 2008,
Acta Cybernetica
19/1, 2009.
A. Kuba, L.G. Nyúl, K. Palágyi (Eds.):
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery,
13th Int. Conf., DGCI 2006, Proceedings,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 4245,
K. Palágyi, G. Németh, P. Kardos:
Topology preserving parallel 3D thinning algorithms,
in V.E. Brimkov, R.P. Barneva (eds.)
Digital Geometry Algorithms. Theoretical Foundations and Applications to Computational Imaging,
Springer, 2012, 165-188.
G. Németh, K. Palágyi:
Parallel thinning algorithms based on Ronse's sufficient conditions for topology preservation,
in P. Wiederhold, R. Barneva (eds.): Progress in Combinatorial Image Analysis,
Research Publishing Services, 2009, pp. 183-194.
E. Sorantin, E. Balogh, A. Vilanova i Bartrolí, K. Palágyi, L.G. Nyúl, F. Lindbichler, A. Ruppert:
Virtual dissection of the colon based of spiral CT data,
in E. Neri, D. Caramella, C. Bartolozzi (eds.) Image Processing in Radiology - Current Applications,
Springer, 2008, pp. 257-268.
E. Sorantin, D. Mohadjer, L.G. Nyúl, K. Palágyi, F. Lindbichler, B. Geiger:
New advances for imaging of laryngotracheal stenosis by post processing of spiral-CT data,
in W. Hruby (ed.) Digital (R)Evolution in Radiology - Bridging the Future of Health Care,
Springer, 2006, pp. 297-308.
E. Sorantin, D. Mohadjer, F. Lindbichler, L.G. Nyúl, K. Palágyi, B. Geiger:
Techniques in 3D assessment of tracheal-stenosis by the mean of spiral computed tomography
(S-CT) and their applications,
in C.T. Leondes (ed.) Medical Imaging Systems Technology - Modalities,
World Scientific, 2005, pp. 61-80.
E. Sorantin, E. Balogh, A. Vilanova i Bartrolí,
K. Palágyi, L.G. Nyúl, S. Loncaric, M. Subasic, D. Kovacevic:
Virtual dissection of the colon,
in D. Caramella, C. Bartolozzi (eds.)
3D Image Processing - Techniques and Clinical Applications,
Springer, 2002, 197-209.
E. Sorantin, Cs. Halmai, B. Erdőhelyi, L. Martonossy,
K. Palágyi, B. Geiger:
New advances for imaging of laryngotracheal stenosis by post
processing of spiral-CT data,
in W. Hruby (ed.) Digital (R)Evolution in Radiology,
Springer, 2000, pp. 275-285.
G. Karai, P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Sufficient conditions for topology-preserving parallel reductions on the face-centered cubic grid
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
66, 2024, 271-292.
(Impact Factor: 2.0, SJR: Q2)
B. Matejek, T. Franzmeyer, D. Wei, X. Wang, J. Zhao, K. Palágyi, J.W. Lichtman, H. Pfister:
Scalable biologically-aware skeleton generation for connectomic volumes,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
41, 2022, 2360-2370.
(Impact Factor: 11.037, SJR: D1)
K. Palágyi, G. Németh:
1-attempt parallel thinning,
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
44, 2022, 2395-2409.
(Impact Factor: 1.262, SJR: Q2)
K. Palágyi:
How sufficient conditions are related for topology-preserving reductions,
Acta Cybernetica
23, 2018, 939-958.
(SJR: Q4)
K. Palágyi, G. Németh:
A pair of equivalent sequential and fully parallel 3D surface-thinning algorithms,
Discrete Applied Mathematics
216, 2017, 348-361.
(Impact Factor: 0.932, SJR: Q2)
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
On topology preservation of mixed operators in triangular, square, and hexagonal grids,
Discrete Applied Mathematics
216, 2017, 441-448.
(Impact Factor: 0.932, SJR: Q2)
G. Németh, Gy. Kovács, A. Fazekas, K. Palágyi:
A method for quantitative comparison of 2D skeletons,
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
13, 2016, 123-142.
(Impact Factor: 0.544, SJR: Q2)
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Topology preservation on the triangular grid,
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
75, 2015, 53-68.
(Impact Factor: 0.944, SJR: Q2)
N. Hantos, Sz. Iván, P. Balázs, K. Palágyi:
Binary image reconstruction from a small number of projections and the morphological skeleton,
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
75, 2015, 195-216.
(Impact Factor: 0.944, SJR: Q2)
K. Palágyi:
Equivalent sequential and parallel reductions in arbitrary binary pictures,
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
28, 2014, 1460009-1 - 1460009-16.
(Impact Factor: 0.669, SJR: Q2)
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Topology-preserving hexagonal thinning,
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
90, 2013, 1607-1617.
(Impact Factor: 0.721, SJR: Q2)
G. Németh, P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Thinning combined with iteration-by-iteration smoothing for 3D binary images,
Graphical Models
73, 2011, 335-345.
(Impact Factor: 1.000, SJR: Q2)
G. Németh, P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
2D parallel thinning and shrinking based on sufficient conditions for topology preservation,
Acta Cybernetica
20, 2011, 125-144.
(SJR: Q4)
G. Németh, K. Palágyi:
Topology preserving parallel thinning algorithms,
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
21, 2011, 37-44.
(Impact Factor: 0.779, SJR: Q3)
P. Kardos, G. Németh, K. Palágyi:
Bejárásfüggetlen szekvenciális vékonyítás
Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok
27, 2010, 17-40.
(in Hungarian)
K. Palágyi:
A 3D fully parallel surface-thinning algorithm,
Theoretical Computer Science
406, 2008, 119-135.
(Impact Factor: 0.806, SJR: Q1)
K. Palágyi, J. Tschirren, E.A. Hoffman, M. Sonka:
Quantitative analysis of pulmonary airway tree structures,
Computers in Biology and Medicine
36, 2006, 974-996.
(Impact Factor: 1.068, SJR: Q2)
J. Tschirren, G. McLennan, K. Palágyi, E.A. Hoffman, M. Sonka:
Matching and anatomical labeling of human airway tree,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
24, 2005, 1540-1547.
(Impact Factor: 3.939, SJR: D1)
E. Sorantin, Cs. Halmai, B. Erdőhelyi,
K. Palágyi, L.G. Nyúl, K. Ollé,
B. Geiger, F. Lindbichler, G. Friedrich, K. Kiesler:
3D-Querschnittsprofil des Laryngotrachealtrakts -
Eine neue Methode zur Visualisierung und Quantifizierung von Trachealstenosen,
Der Radiologe
43, 2003, 1056-1068.
(Impact Factor: 0.626, SJR: Q3)
E.A. Hoffman, J.M. Reinhardt, M. Sonka, B.A. Simon, J. Guo, O. Saba, D. Chon, S. Samrah, H. Shikata, J. Tschirren,
K. Palágyi, K.C. Beck, G. McLennan:
Characterization of the interstitial lung diseases via density-based and texture-based analysis of
computed tomography images of lung structure and function,
Academic Radiology
10, 2003, 1104-1118.
(Impact Factor: 1.409, SJR: Q1)
E. Sorantin, Cs. Halmai, B. Erdőhelyi,
K. Palágyi, L.G. Nyúl, K. Ollé,
B. Geiger, F. Lindbichler, G. Friedrich, K. Kiesler:
Spiral-CT-based assessment of tracheal stenoses using 3-D-skeletonization,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
21, 2002, 263-273.
(Impact Factor: 2.911, SJR: D1)
E. Sorantin, G. Werkgartner, E. Balogh, A. Vilanova i Bartrolí,
K. Palágyi, L.G. Nyúl, L. Ruskó:
Virtual dissection and automated polyp detection of the colon based on
spiral CT data -
Techniques and preliminary experience on a cadaveric phantom,
European Surgery - Acta Chirurgica Austriaca
34, 2002, 143-151.
(SJR: Q3)
K. Palágyi:
A 3-subiteration 3D thinning algorithm for extracting medial surfaces,
Pattern Recognition Letters
23, 2002, 663-675.
(Impact Factor: 0.409, SJR: Q2)
K. Palágyi:
A 3D parallel shrinking algorithm,
Acta Cybernetica
15, 2001, 201-211.
(SJR: Q4)
A. Tanács, G. Czédli, K. Palágyi, A. Kuba:
Affine matching of two sets of points in arbitrary dimensions,
Acta Cybernetica
15, 2001, 101-106.
(SJR: Q4)
K. Palágyi, A. Kuba:
A parallel 3D 12-subiteration thinning algorithm,
Graphical Models and Image Processing
61, 1999, 199-221.
(Impact Factor: 1.014, SJR: Q2)
K. Palágyi, E. Sorantin, Cs. Halmai, A. Kuba:
3D thinning and its applications to medical image processing,
TASK Quarterly
3, 1999, 397-408.
K. Palágyi, A. Kuba:
A 3D 6-subiteration thinning algorithm for extracting medial lines,
Pattern Recognition Letters
19, 1998, 613-627.
(Impact Factor: 0.344)
K. Palágyi, A. Kuba:
A hybrid thinning algorithm for 3D medical images,
J. Computing and Information Technology
6, 1998, 149-164.
A. Tanács, K. Palágyi, A. Kuba:
Medical image registration based on interactively
identified anatomical landmark points,
Machine Graphics & Vision
7, 1998, 151-158.
International Conference Papers:
K. Palágyi:
1-Attempt and Equivalent Thinning on the Hexagonal Grid,
in Proc. IAPR Third International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology,
DGMM 2024, Florence, Italy,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
14605, Springer Nature, 2024, 390-401.
G. Karai, P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Topology-Preserving Reductions on (18,12) Pictures of the Face-Centered Cubic Grid,
in Proc. 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods,
ICPRAM 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, SciTePress, 2023, 254-261.
K. Palágyi, G. Karai, P. Kardos:
Sufficient conditions for topology-preserving parallel reductions on the BCC grid,
in Proc. 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,
IWCIA 2022, Messina, Italy,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
13348, Springer Nature, 2022, 71-83.
K. Palágyi, G. Németh:
1-attempt 4-cycle parallel thinning algorithms,
in Proc. 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods,
ICPRAM 2022, Online Streaming, SciTePress, 2022, 229-236.
G. Karai, P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Subfield-based parallel kernel-thinning algorithms on the BCC grid,
in Proc. 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods,
ICPRAM 2022, Online Streaming, SciTePress, 2022, 288-295.
K. Palágyi, G. Németh:
1-attempt subfield-based parallel thinning,
in Proc. 12th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, IEEE/EURASIP,
ISPA 2021, Zagreb, Croatia, 2021, 219-224.
K. Palágyi, G. Németh:
k-attempt thinning,
in Proc. 20th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,
IWCIA 2020, Novi Sad, Serbia,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
12148, Springer Nature, 2020, 258-272.
K. Palágyi, G. Németh:
Centerline extraction from 3D airway trees using anchored shrinking,
in Proc. 14th International Symposium on Visual Computing,
ISVC 2019, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
11845, Springer, 2019, 419-430.
B. Matejek, D. Wei, X. Wang, J. Zhao, K. Palágyi, H. Pfister:
Synapse-aware skeleton generation for neural circuits,
in Proc. 22nd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,
MICCAI 2019, Shenzhen, China,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
11764, Springer, 2019, 227-235.
K. Palágyi, G. Németh:
Endpoint-based thinning with designating safe skeletal points,
in Proc. 6th International Symposium on Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications,
CompIMAGE'18, Cracow, Poland,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
10986, Springer, 2019, 3-15.
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Maximal P-simple sets on (8,4) pictures,
in Proc. 6th International Symposium on Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications,
CompIMAGE'18, Cracow, Poland,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
10986, Springer, 2019, 23-32.
K. Palágyi, G. Németh:
Fixpoints of iterated reductions with equivalent deletion rules,
in Proc. 19th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,
IWCIA 2018, Porto, Portugal,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
11255, Springer, 2018, 17-27.
K. Palágyi, P. Kardos:
A single-step 2D thinning scheme with deletion of P-simple points,
in Proc. 22th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition,
CIARP 2017, Valparaiso, Chile,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
10657, Springer, 2018, 475-482.
K. Palágyi:
Simplifier points in 2D binary images,
in Proc. 18th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,
IWCIA 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
10256, Springer, 2017, 3-15.
(Best paper award)
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Unified characterization of P-simple points in triangular, square, and hexagonal grids,
in Proc. 5th International Symposium on Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications,
CompIMAGE'16, Niagara Falls, NY, USA,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
10149, Springer, 2016, 79-88.
K. Palágyi:
P-simple points and general-simple deletion rules,
in Proc. 19th IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery,
DGCI 2016, Nantes, France,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
9647, Springer, 2016, 143-153.
K. Palágyi, G. Németh, P. Kardos:
Equivalent sequential and parallel subiteration-based surface-thinning algorithms,
in Proc. 17th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,
IWCIA 2015, Kolkata, India,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
9448, Springer, 2015, 31-45.
(Best paper award)
K. Palágyi, G. Németh, P. Kardos:
Topology-preserving equivalent parallel and sequential 4-subiteration 2D thinning algorithms,
in Proc. 9th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, IEEE/EURASIP,
ISPA 2015, Zagreb, Croatia, 2015, 306-311.
K. Palágyi:
A sequential 3D curve-thinning algorithm based on isthmuses,
in Proc. 10th International Symposium on Visual Computing,
ISVC'14, Las Vegas, NV, USA,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
8888, Springer, 2014, 406-415.
K. Palágyi:
Topology-preserving general operators in arbitrary binary pictures,
in Proc. 19th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition,
CIARP 2014, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
8827, Springer, 2014, 22-29.
G. Németh, P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
2D thinning algorithms with revised endpixel preservation,
in Proc. International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition,
ICIAR 2014, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
8814, Springer, 2014, 65-72.
K. Palágyi:
Equivalent 2D sequential and parallel thinning algorithms,
in Proc. 16th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,
IWCIA 2014, Brno, Czech Republic,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
8466, Springer, 2014, 91-100.
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Sufficient conditions for general 2D operators to preserve topology,
in Proc. 16th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,
IWCIA 2014, Brno, Czech Republic,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
8466, Springer, 2014, 101-112.
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Parallel thinning on the triangular grid,
in Proc. 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications,
CogInfoCom 2013, Budapest, Hungary, 2013, 277-282.
K. Palágyi:
Deletion rules for equivalent sequential and parallel reductions,
in Proc. 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Part I,
CIARP 2013, Havana, Cuba,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
8285, Springer, 2013, 17-24.
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
On topology preservation in triangular, square, and hexagonal grids,
in Proc. 8th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, IEEE/EURASIP,
ISPA 2013, Trieste, Italy, 2013, 782-787.
K. Palágyi:
Parallel 3D 12-subiteration thinning algorithms based on isthmuses,
in Proc. 9th International Symposium on Visual Computing,
ISVC'13, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
8033, Springer, 2013, 87-98.
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Sufficient conditions for topology preserving additions and general operators,
in Proc. 14th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging,
CGIM 2013, Innsbruck, Austria, ACTA Press, 2013, 107-114.
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
On topology preservation for triangular thinning algorithms,
in Proc. 15th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,
IWCIA 2012, Austin, TX, USA,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
7655, Springer, 2012, 128-142.
N. Hantos, P. Balázs, K. Palágyi:
Binary image reconstruction from two projections and skeletal information,
in Proc. 15th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analaysis,
IWCIA 2012, Austin, TX, USA,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
7655, Springer, 2012, 263-273.
(Best paper award)
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
On order-independent sequential thinning,
in Proc. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications,
CogInfoCom 2012, Kosice, Slovakia, 2012, 149-154.
G. Németh, K. Palágyi:
3D parallel thinning algorithms based on isthmuses,
in Proc. 14th International Conference Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems,
ACIVS 2012, Brno, Czech Republic,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
7517, Springer, 2012, 325-335.
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Hexagonal parallel thinning algorithms based on sufficient conditions for topology preservation,
in Proc. 3rd International Symposium of Computational Modeling on Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications,
CompIMAGE 2012, Rome, Italy, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012, 63-68.
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Isthmus-based order-independent sequential thinning,
in Proc. 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications,
SPPRA 2012, Crete, Greece, 2012, ACTA Press, 28-34.
G. Németh, K. Palágyi:
2D parallel thinning algorithms based on isthmus-preservation,
in Proc. 7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, IEEE/EURASIP,
ISPA 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2011, 585-590.
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Order-independent sequential thinning in arbitrary dimensions,
in Proc. International Conference on Signal and Image Processing and Applications,
SIPA 2011, Crete, Greece, ACTA Press, 2011, 129-134.
G. Németh, P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
A family of topology-preserving 3D parallel 6-subiteration thinning algorithms,
in Proc. 14th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA'2011, Madrid, Spain,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
6636, Springer, 2011, 17-30.
P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
On topology preservation for hexagonal parallel thinning algorithms,
in Proc. 14th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA'2011, Madrid, Spain,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
6636, Springer, 2011, 31-42.
G. Németh, P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Topology preserving 3D thinning algorithms using four and eight subfields,
in Proc. International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2010, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
6111, Springer, 2010, 316-325.
G. Németh, P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Topology preserving parallel smoothing for 3D binary images,
in Proc. 2nd International Symposium of Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals,
Methods, and Applications, CompIMAGE'10, Buffalo-Niagara, NY, USA,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
6026, Springer, 2010, 287-298.
G. Németh, P. Kardos, K. Palágyi:
Topology preserving 2-subfield 3D thinning algorithms,
in Proc. 7th International Conference Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications
SPPRA 2010, Innsbruck, Austria, ACTA Press, 2010, 310-316.
P. Kardos, G. Németh, K. Palágyi:
An order-independent sequential thinning algorithm,
in Proc. 13th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA 2009,
Playa del Carmen, Mexico,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
5852, Springer, 2009, 162-175.
K. Palágyi, G. Németh:
Fully parallel 3D thinning algorithms based on sufficient conditions for topology preservation,
in Proc. 15th IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, DGCI 2009,
Montréal, Canada,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
5810, Springer, 2009, 481-492.
A. Fazekas, K. Palágyi, Gy. Kovács, G. Németh:
Skeletonization based on metrical neighborhood sequences,
in Proc. 6th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS 2008,
Santorini Island, Greece,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
5008, Springer, 2008, 333-342.
K. Palágyi:
A subiteration-based surface-thinning algorithm with a period of three,
in Proc. 29th Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition, DAGM 2007,
Heidelberg, Germany,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
4713, Springer, 2007, 294-303.
K. Palágyi:
A 3-subiteration surface-thinning algorithm,
in Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 2007,
Vienna, Austria,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
4673, Springer, 2007, 628-635.
K. Palágyi:
Computationally efficient thinning in 3D,
in Proc. ECCV 2006 Workshop on Computation Intensive Methods for Computer Vision,
Graz, Austria,
CIMCV 2006,
2006, 85-98.
K. Palágyi:
A 2-subfield 3D thinning algorithm for extracting medial curves,
in Proc. Joint Hungarian-Austrian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
HACIPPR 2005, Veszprém, Hungary,
Austrian Computer Society,
2005, 135-142.
K. Palágyi, J. Tschirren, E.A. Hoffman, M. Sonka:
Assessment of intrathoracic airway trees: Methods and in vivo validation,
in Proc. Computer Vision and Mathematical Methods in Medical and Biomedical Image Analysis:
ECCV 2004 Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA, Prague, Czech Republic,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
3117, Springer, 2004, 341-352.
(Impact Factor: 0.513)
R. Beichel, T. Pock, Ch. Janko, B. Zotter, B. Reitinger, A. Bornik, H. Bischof, K. Palágyi, E. Sorantin,
G. Werkgartner, M. Sonka:
Liver segment approximation in CT data for surgical resection planning,
in Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing,
San Diego, CA, USA,
Proceedings of SPIE
Vol. 5370, 2005, 1435-1446.
K. Palágyi, J. Tschirren, M. Sonka:
Quantitative analysis of intrathoracic airway trees: methods and validation,
in Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Information Processing in Medical Imaging, IPMI 2003,
Ambleside, UK,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2732, Springer, 2003, 222-233.
K. Palágyi, J. Tschirren, M. Sonka:
Quantitative analysis of three-dimensional tubular tree structures,
in Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing,
San Diego, CA, USA,
Proceedings of SPIE
Vol. 5032, 2003, 277-287.
J. Tschirren, K. Palágyi, J.M. Reinhardt, E.A. Hoffman, M. Sonka:
Segmentation, skeletonization, and branchpoint matching -
A fully automated quantitative evaluation of human intrathoratic airway trees,
in Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention,
MICCAI 2002, Part II,
Tokyo, Japan,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2489, Springer, 2002, 12-19.
(Impact Factor: 0.515)
E. Balogh, E. Sorantin, L.G. Nyúl, K. Palágyi, A. Kuba, G. Werkgartner, E. Spuller:
Virtual dissection of the colon: technique and first experiments with artificial and cadaveric phantoms,
in Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing,
San Diego, CA, USA,
in Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4681, 2002, 713-721.
K. Palágyi, E. Sorantin, E. Balogh, A. Kuba, Cs. Halmai,
B. Erdőhelyi, K. Hausegger:
A sequential 3D thinning algorithm and its medical applications,
in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. Information Processing in Medical Imaging, IPMI 2001,
Davis, CA, USA,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2082, Springer, 2001, 409-415.
(Impact Factor: 0.415)
E. Sorantin, E. Balogh, A. Vilanova i Bartrolí,
K. Palágyi, L.G. Nyúl:
Virtual dissection of the colon based on helical CT data -
Can it be done?
in Proc. 2nd Int. Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, ISPA 2001, Pula, Croatia,
2001, 224-229.
K. Palágyi:
A 3D 3-subiteration thinning algorithm for medial surfaces,
in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery,
DGCI 2000, Uppsala, Sweden,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1953, Springer, 2000, 406-417.
(Impact Factor: 0.390)
A. Tanács, G. Czédli, K. Palágyi, A. Kuba:
Point-based registration assuming affine motion,
in Proc. Int. Workshop Algebraic Frames for the
Perception-Action Cycle, AFPAC 2000, Kiel, Germany,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1888, Springer, 2000, 329-338.
(Impact Factor: 0.390)
K. Palágyi, A. Kuba:
Directional 3D thinning using 8 subiterations,
in Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, DGCI'99,
Marne-la-Vallée, France,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1568, Springer, 1999, 325-336.
(Impact Factor: 0.872)
A. Tanács, K. Palágyi, A. Kuba:
Target registration error of point-based methods assuming
rigid-body and linear motions,
in Proc. Int. Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration WBIR'99,
Bled, Slovenia,
1999, 223-233.
K. Palágyi, A. Kuba:
A parallel 12-subiteration 3D thinning algorithm to extract medial lines,
in Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP'97,
Kiel, Germany,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1296, Springer, 1997, 400-407.
K. Palágyi, A. Kuba:
A thinning algorithm to extract medial lines from 3D medical images,
in Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Information Processing in Medical Imaging, IPMI'97,
Poultney, VT, USA,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1230, Springer, 1997, 411-416.
K. Palágyi, J.K. Udupa:
Medical image registration based on fuzzy objects,
in Proc. 3rd Workshop on Computational Modelling, Imaging and Visualization in
Biosciences, COMBIO'96, Sopron, Hungary,
KFKI-1996-06/M-H, 1996, 44-48.
A. Kuba, Z. Alexin, L. Nyúl, A. Nagy, K. Palágyi,
M. Nagy, L. Almási, L. Csernay:
DICOM based PACS and its application in the education,
in Proc. 14th Int. EuroPACS Meeting, Heraklion, Greece,
1996, 46-49.
E. Katona, K. Palágyi, N. Tóth:
Signature Verification Using Neuron Nets,
in Proc. 9th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA'95,
Uppsala, Sweden,
Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis,
1995, 1115-1122.
P. Köles, K. Palágyi:
Image processing on cellprocessors,
in Proc. Conf. on Intelligent Systems, Veszprém, Hungary,
1991, 31-40.
N. Tóth, K. Palágyi:
Neural network implementation on cellular processor,
in Proc. Conf. on Intelligent Systems, Veszprém, Hungary,
1991, 129-137.
T. Tűzkő, K. Palágyi:
Cellular program development for the M1 processor,
in Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Array,
PARCELLA'90, Berlin, Germany,
Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1990, 315-319.
K. Palágyi:
Solution of dense systems of linear equations using cellular processors,
in Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Array,
PARCELLA'88, Berlin, Germany,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
342, Springer-Verlag, 1988, 311-316.
(Impact Factor: 0.273)
K. Palágyi:
Cellular algorithms for matrix multiplication,
in Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Array,
PARCELLA'86, Berlin, Germany,
North-Holland, 1986, 122-129.
A. Fazekas, K. Palágyi:
Analysing the noise sensitivity of 3D skeletonization algorithms,
Preprints 245, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 2000.
Palágyi K.:
Képfeldolgozás haladóknak,
Typotex Kiadó, 2011. (in Hungarian)
K. Palágyi:
Topology preservation and thinning,
Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2019.
Palágyi K.:
Vékonyító algoritmusok 3D képekre,
Doktori értekezés, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2000. (in Hungarian)