Jelenlegi hely
Publications of Antal Nagy
Semi-automatic tumor contouring method using PET and MRI medical images. In: Manuel J, Tavares RS, Jorge RMNatal, editors. Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing. Tenerife, Spain: CRC Press - Taylor&Francis Group; 2015. 2. p. 209-214p.
Discrete tomographic reconstruction via adaptive weighting of gradient descents. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization. 2015;3(2):101-109.
Képfeldolgozás a szegedi informatikus-képzésben. In: Kunkli R, Papp I, Rutkovszky E, editors. Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2014. Debrecen, Hungary: University of Debrecen; 2014. 6. p. 667-675p.
Smoothing Filters in the DART Algorithm. In: Barneva RP, Brimkov VE, Šlapal J, editors. Combinatorial Image Analysis. May 2014, Brno, Czech Republic: Springer; 2014. 2. p. 224-237p.
Local and global uncertainty in binary tomographic reconstruction. COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING. 2014.
Local uncertainty in binary tomographic reconstruction. In: Kampel M, editor. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications (SPPRA 2013). Calgary: IASTED - Acta Press; 2013. 4. p. 490-496p.
Gradiens módszerek automatikus súlyozásán alapuló diszkrét tomográfiai eljárás. In: Czúni L, editor. A Képfeldolgozók és Alakfelismerők Társaságának konferenciája - KÉPAF 2013. Veszprém: NJSZT-KÉPAF; 2013. 2. p. 210-223p.
An optimization-based reconstruction algorithm for multivalued discrete tomography. In: Veszprém Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms (Vocal). Veszprém: University of Pannonia; 2012. 3. p. 39-40p.
A novel optimization-based reconstruction algorithm for multivalued discrete tomography. Szeged: University of Szeged, Institute of Informatics; 2012.
An energy minimization reconstruction algorithm for multivalued discrete tomography. In: Di Giamberardino P, Iacoviello D, Jorge R M N, Taveres JManuel RS, editors. Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications III. London: CRC Press - Taylor and Frances Group; 2012. 1. p. 179-185p.