(CS)2 -  The 14th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

Szeged, Hungary, July 3 - 5, 2024


The online volume of short papers can be downloaded here: proceedings, its Table of Contens:

Plenary talks1
Gábor Péter NagyGraphs, Groups, and Geometry1
Márk JelasityAdversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks2
Short papers3
Tarlan Ahadli, Hajder LeventeDrone Localization using Stereo Vision and YOLOv73
Arafat Md Easin, Orosz TamásEnhancing SAP Ecosystem Harmonizing Open-Source Technologies for Integration and Innovation7
Georgina Asuah, Arafat Md Easin, Orosz TamásOptimizing SAP Machine Learning-based Solutions through Custom API Integration11
Zsófia Ádám, Bertalan Zoltán Péter, Zoltán Micskei, Imre KocsisSmart Contract in the Loop: Fault Impact Assessment for Distributed Ledger Technologies15
Zsófia Erdei, Melinda Tóth and István BozóSelecting Execution Path for Replaying Errors20
Martin Farkas, Bertalan Zoltán Péter, Zoltán Micskei, Imre KocsisDesign Space Exploration of Verifiable Credential Schemas using Partial Graph Modeling24
Daniel Ferenczi, Melinda TóthTowards Correct Dependency Orders in Erlang Upgrades28
Imre Gera and András LondonClustering and Community Detection in Nested Graphs32
Emília Heinc and Balázs BánhelyiEffective Heuristics for Accelerated Branch and Bound Solver of Process Network Synthesis Problems36
A. H. M. Sajedul Hoque, Gergő Bognár, Sándor FridliQuantitative Radiomics Analysis of Lung CT Images Using Radial Harmonic Fourier Moments39
Damaris Jepkurui Kangogo, Imre KocsisDesign of Hyperledger Fabric Private Data Collections with Formal Concept Analysis43
Smiljana Knežev, István Bozó and Melinda TóthIdentifying security issues in Elixir web applications47
Imre Munkácsi, Márta Alexy Angyalné, Tamás Gábor OroszOptimizing SAP S/4HANA On-Premise with Cloud-Ready Extensions: a Clean-Core system51
Zoltán Ságodi, István SiketState-of-the-Art Business Intelligence Applications: A Journey Through Time and Technology56
Mátyás SebőkMulti Model Recursion for Hungarian Electricity Load Forecasting60
Wilson Valdez SolisConvergence of Fog Computing, Blockchain, and Federated Learning for Advancing New Generation Networks64
Patrik Péter Süli, Judit Knoll and Dr. Zoltán PorkolábMultithreading Atomicity Static Analysis Checkers in Java69
Attila Szász and Balázs BánhelyiNew interval-based training technique to parameter robustness73
Norbert VándorEvaluating GPT-4 on a real Python bug dataset76
Ronglin Zuo, Bálint MolnárKnowledge Graph Powered LSTM in Stock Investment Decision Making80
List of Authors83

Last change: 2024-07-17