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- The guest editors of the Acta Cybernetica special issue will be Balázs Bánhelyi and Andreas Rauh.

- Please submit the manuscripts of your papers emerging from your talks at SCAN 2020 to the special issues of Acta Cybernetica or Reliable Computing. The deadline is the end of November.

The respective instructions for authors:
Acta Cybernetica:
Please make sure to submit your papers electronically via the submission system of Acta Cybernetica ( Authors’ instructions and LaTeX style files can be  found at Make sure to choose the section “Special Issue of SCAN 2020” for your article at submission.
Reliable Computing:
Paper submitted to the special issue of Reliable Computing should be submitted electronically via Easychair ( Authors’ instructions and LaTeX style files can be found at To indicate that the paper is for the SCAN 2020 special issue, when Easychair asks for a paper title, add "SCAN 2020" at the beginning of your paper title. For example, if your paper is titled "Interval Methods Solve All the Problems", place "SCAN 2020 Interval Methods Solve All the Problems" into the Easychair title field.

- The folk dance program of the conference is now available at in less than optimal quality recording.

- The program of the folk dance show presented by the Napsugár and Möndörgő Folk Ensebles and the Gyantár Music Group::

Dances from Méra, 

Music from Vajdaszentivány,

Lad's dances of Ödöngősfüzes,

Dances from the Southern Great Plain of Hungary

- This time the organizers cannot give a T-shirt having the conference logo, while they will wear it. If you want to print the conference logo for your shirt, you can find it here

- For those of you who are not ready yet with the video, my solution made by OBS Studio and Youtube: Studio: and

- The proceedings volume is close to be ready, you can download it from here.

-  It is an important message, please read it carefully, it will help you to better use the conference platform.

1. It is expected, that you have registered your data at Once your data is recorded, an invoice has been  / will be sent to you. You should transfer the registration fee accordingly. A few days of delay is OK.

All confirmed registered participants have right to enter the conference site I suggest to remain logged in. Every important pages are available starting from this point.

2. I expect that you will spend most of your time in the Plenary hall or the session halls. These are places where you can follow the talks, and even the cultural programs. Here you can ask question to the speaker or to the chair per written chat message. It is a safe way of communication with minimal risks of generating disturbing echoing. The chairs will read the questions and remarks for the speakers in the zoom rooms for discussion.

Accordingly, if you are speaker of a session or the chairperson, then please proceed to the respective zoom room for discussion. I hope that most of us speakers will have a previously recorded video of the talks. In general, this recorded video is started by the technical staff, even the speaker just watch it  from a session hall. It is the risky point:

->    please make sure that once you follow a session in the plenary or session hall, then your zoom is muted (if you are logged in in a different page in a zoom session). 

Also the other way around: if you were connected to a session hall, then please mute the stream before you join a zoom session with your microphone is switched in. Echoing the voice with some delay is annoying, this is why the conference site is organized in this way. The more separated the just hearing participants are  from those, who want to speak in a zoom hall, the better. The technical staff is unfortunately unable to mute your stream, it is just you who can do it.

If you have not prepared a video of your talk, then please close your streaming session before you join the zoom of the given session. Otherwise the echoing is inevitable.

3. One of the advantages of an online meeting is, that you will have full access to all talks in video format, plus also to the slides. Hence it is convenient to watch the talks after or even before the actual presentation. The latter feature will serve our Japanese participants well: they can follow everything in their usual workdays. This feature makes it possible also to follow the talks in the parallel sessions. Since you can download the slides, you can read back some slides even during the presentation - without disturbing the speaker with your wish.

4. The lounge room serves for private discussions. I have not used much this tool yet, but is is fun: you can see, who is ready to small talk, you can approach her/him, and once you speak with each other you can specify whether you allow someone else to join this. This will be used much during the coffee breaks, lunch break, and may be even outside the conference time.

Please understand that it is the first fully online conference we organize, and although we have invested much time to have the meeting as smooth and fruitful as possible, most possibly there will be some problems. In this case contact us (, +36 30 314 1626; We will follow the whole meeting, and will be available also there per chat or small talk in Thank you in advance for your collaboration.

- The whole meeting will be streamed online at This limited form is available for everybody who is interested (but without the chat, the possibility to ask questions, present a talk, submit a paper to the special issues). For those interested in the latter features, a registration is necessary. 

- The program of the University String quartett Fiola: 

W. A. Mozart: String Quartet KV 157
Farkas Ferenc: Six Old Hungarian Dances
W. A. Mozart: String Quartet KV 525 

Musicians: Ágnes Kovács-Tóth 1st violin, Ágnes Egri 2nd violin, Tivadar M. Tóth viola, Jenifer Tusz violoncello.

- The detailed scientific program is now available. It is still subject to minor changes if really necessary.

- Unfortunately, our proposal to have a special issue of the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics has been rejected. What remain are two special issues of Acta Cybernetica and Reliable Computing.

- The web page applies MD5 encryption, the passwords are not sent to the conference participants any more, and no one can have access to the passwords. 

- The program of the Monday classic guitar concert: 

1.    Claude Bolling: Borsalino (film: Borsalino)
2.    Burt Bacharach: Close To You (film: So Close)
3.    Harold Arlen: Over The Rainbow (film: The Wizard of Oz)
4.    Stanley Myers: Cavatina (film: The Deer Hunter)
5.    Miguel Llobet – El Noi de la Mare (Catalan song)
6.    Heitor Villa-Lobos: Choro (Brazilian dance)
7.    Leo Brouwer: Canción de Cuna (Afro-Cuban lullaby)
8.    Heitor Villa-Lobos: Etude No.1 for Guitar in E minor
9.    Johann Sebastian Bach: Sarabande, from Partita No.1 in B Minor, BWV 1002
10.  Francisco Tárrega: Recuerdos de la Alhambra

- Some hints to record your talk before you submit it to the organizers:

How to record a video with Awesome Screenshot:
You need to use saving in cloud (otherwise only 5 minutes can be recorded), from where it can be shared with us directly.

- The online part of the conference will be available at

- The Scientific Committee of SCAN 2020 has reached the decisions on the submitted abstracts, and all corresponding authors were informed on acteptance/rejection. If you have not obtained this message, contact the organizers at

- The organizers work now on the technical details. The conference will be administered by the local conference organization firm Regio10.  In the near future you will obtain an email from them on the details of registration.

- The conference starts in the morning of September 13, 2021, Monday, and ends in the afternoon of  of September 15, 2021, Wednesday.

For each regular talk 25 minutes are allocated including questions (20+5 minutes), so regular sessions are 1 hour 40 minutes long. Coffee breaks last for 20 minutes. The schedule of a conference day will be: start at 9:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST) with a 40 minutes long plenary talk. Then a 20 minutes break, followed by regular talks, organized into 2 parallel sections (4*25 minutes each). The lunch break begins at  11:40, and lasts till 13:00. The afternoon talks begin at 13:00, and we can have 2 + 3 talks in both parallel sections with a 20 minutes break in between. Such a day will cover one plenary talk and all together 18 regular talks, and will end without delay at 15:25. We shall organize short live cultural programs for each afternoon starting at 16:00.

To utilize the possibilities of fully online conferences, the organizers ask the participants to record their talk in a video format, and submit it a few days before the meeting  together with the slides in pdf or ppt format. We expect the speakers to be present online during their talk, answer the raised questions. We provide substantial technical support for the preparation of the videos. Exceptionally, participants may also held the talk live online - but according to our experiences, the possible technical difficulties will not allow that many speakers use this option. The technical moderators of the conference will start the uploaded video once delay is felt in the presentation. The questions and answers will be live. An online streaming will be given for the audience, and the participants may pass the related link of the streams to colleagues, doctoral students etc. The recorded streaming will also be available after the conference. The participants will have access to the presentation slides, thus they can be read during the talks. 

The Workshop on Global Optimization (HUGO) is shifted for an indefinite date (, and the satelite meeting of Coprod20 ( will be held on Sunday, September 12, 2021. 

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