Applications of Linear Programming


Classroom, timetable



Linear programming is a widely used field of optimization. Many practical problems in operations research can be expressed as linear programming problems. It has a wide range of practical business, commerce, and industrial applications and simultaneously has received so thorough a theoretical development. Today, this theory is being successfully applied to problems of capital budgeting, design of diets, conservation of resources, games of strategy, economic growth prediction, and transportation systems. The aim of the course is to introduce basic and advanced theory of linear programming, and to show and solve real-life problems that can be described as linear programs.


Online attendance of the lectures is highly recommended. Attendance is registered. In-class performance is assessed and its results form part of the end-term grade. The final score (%) of the course is constructed as follows: 20% lecture and seminar attendance, 30% homeworks, and 50% home project + presentation (last lecture of the semester).

Grades (based on points)

Online available material

Applications of linear programming (lecture notes handout) and official version
