6.10 Questionnaire


What are the core ideas of Lean?

maximize value, minimize waste

maximize profit, minimize costs

maximize benefits, minimize costs


What is the definition of value in Lean?

value is the price of something

value is what customer really wants and pay for


What is the Value Stream?

a chart about all processes and activities needed to deliver for the customer

a chart about how different kind of values are connected and streamed


What are the work categories?

Value Added, Non Value Added

Value Added, Non Value Added, Necessary but Non Value Added

Necessary, Unnecessary


What is Mura (unevenness)?

Customers have different and various budgets

Customers have different and various needs and demands

Customers have different and various availability


What is Muri (overburden)?

Overdesigning processes and activities

Overloading the organization: people, equipment, etc.


What is Muda (waste)?

a very bad product that must be thrown away

any kind of problem

any kind of Non Value Added Work


What are the Mudas (wastes)?

overproduction, small budget, waiting, transportation, overprocessing, motion, fixing defects

overproduction, inventory, waiting, transportation, overprocessing, motion, fixing defects

overproduction, small budget, meetings, transportation, overprocessing, motion, fixing defects


What is not urgent but important according to the time management matrix?

Reactive actions like firefighting, rework, etc.

Proactive actions like planning, prevention, etc.


What is urgent but not important according to the time management matrix?

Reactive actions like firefighting, rework, etc.

Illusive actions like unproductive meetings, calls, etc.

Waste actions like browsing, etc.


What is lead time (Value Stream Mapping)?

elapsed time between a new task comes from the customer and the results arrive back to the customer

time needed to effectively lead a group of people


What is the typical ratio of value added time compared to lead time?

between 30-60%

lower than 5-10%


What 5S does deal with?

with fast delivery to the user

with clean and organized work environment

with effective management processes


What are the root cause analysis techniques?



figure it out


What does PDCA stands for?

Plan, Discover, Command, Activate

Plan, Do, Check, Act


What are the steps of Lean Improvement Cycle?

Value, Value Stream, Gemba, Pull, Optimize

Value, Value Stream, Gemba, Pull, Perfection

Value, Value Stream, Flow, Pull, Perfection